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Information on the Davids and Brinckerhoff families come from [A] research by James Downey,
[B] a record in a bible, and [C] email communication with Kathryn Greene and Pat Stephenson.
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Davids family history
Anna Mary (1825-1850), married D.A.T. Gale ;
Emeline B. (1830-1889), married Lemuel A. Chichester
Delaphine C. (1831-1900), married George B. Gibbs
Caroline (1838-1908), married Stephen H. Warren
Irving (1838-1884), married Catherine Shea
Mary E. (1843-1936), married William W. King
Octavia H. (1847-?), married (1st) Abner B. Mase, (2nd) William D. Barron, (3rd) Mr. Corbett
Edwin (1851-?)
Henry Van Wart (1855-1913), married Jennie Hawkes
Julia (c. 1839-?)
Henry (c. 1841-?)
Lawrence Lee (c. 1845-1893), resided in New York City.
possibly others
Abraham Isaac became a good painter of portraits, signs, and historical murals, living in
Charleston, South Carolina. After the civil war, he became a photographer, and Jim Downey felt he
possibly photographed his father, who died in 1863.