Page 11
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Wright family tree
Prints made in Northern Ireland.
The placement of these images suggest that
these are 2 sets of siblings, children of John and Catherine Wright

and (lower right) daughters of Catherine's older sister Jane
Page 11 (upper left)
Andrew Wright, son of John Wright (?);
clothing dated by Leslie Bellais at 1880s
estimated age 20-25: birth 1855-1860
Same as man in page 12 lower right
  Page 11 (upper right)
Emily Mary Wright ;
clothing dated by Leslie Bellais at 1880-1885
estimated age 25: birth 1855-1860

Page 11 (lower left)
Matilda Jane Wright ;
clothing dated by Leslie Bellais at 1881-84
estimated age 20-25: birth 1856-1864
  Page 11 (lower right)
Left to right: Persons P, J, Q
clothing dated by Leslie Bellais at 1877-79
estimated ages 30-35: birth 1844-1849
Likely IDs: Emily, Ellen, and Tilda McFarland
the 3 daughters of Catherine's sister Jane
See extended comment below

In August 2017, a marriage record was found for Jane McFarland, sister of Catherine, at the Ballygawley COI. Jane appears to have married her first cousin Alexander James McFarland, who died in 1858 leaving a long Will which named his son (James Alexander) and 3 daughters: Ellen, Tilda (= Matilda ?). and Emily, probably in order of age. The ages of the 3 women in the lower right photo are consistent with these three sisters, and their placement together here suggests this relationship. Among the closer family of Catherine, Jane McFarland is the only person who bore 3 daughters between 1846 and 1856, and therefore this identification is fairly secure. These women are pictured individually elsewhere in this album.
Person P (Emily) also on page 12 upper right
Person J (Ellen) also on page 15 upper right
Person J (Ellen) also on page 22 upper right
Person J (Ellen) also on page 7 lower right
Person Q (Tilda, or Matilda) also on page 18 upper right