Contemporary Political Thought

Course Evaluation
Fall 1998

Please take the time to fill out the questionnaire below. I am very interested in what you thought of this course and how it might be improved.

  1. Which political theory courses did you take before taking Comtemporary Political Thought?

    Introduction to Political Theory
    American Political Thought
    Modern Political Thought
    Other - Please enter name of course.

  2. Which movie did you like the best?

    Lord of the Flies Deliverance Woman in the Dunes Brave New World
    The Fountainhead Roger and Me Norma Rae El Norte Romero

  3. Which movie did you like the least?

    Lord of the Flies Deliverance Woman in the Dunes Brave New World
    The Fountainhead Roger and Me Norma Rae El Norte Romero

  4. What is your opinion of Web Course in a Box? Was it useful? Not Useful? What did you like about it? What did you not like about it?

  5. What specific things can the instructor do to improve the course?

Thank you for your response.