You will have the opportunity to take 6 self-grading web quizzes. Cooperation and exchange of ideas between students is encouraged on these web tests, but if your web quiz score depended on contributions from others, then you may be unprepared for the similar paper test later. Note the following table created using data from a previous semester :

Final semester course grade A B C D F
Average number of extra credit points earned on all web quizzes 12.87 14.18 9.68 4.00 0

Each web quiz resembles the paper test which you will take the following week, and is designed to give practice for that paper test, but may also raise your grade on that paper test.

If a web quiz is submitted more than once, the highest score before the deadline will contribute to the corresponding paper test grade, which will be increased as in the table below, but not exceeding the maximum for that paper test. Web quizzes must be submitted by 11:59 PM of Sunday before the corresponding paper test, using the submit button at the bottom of the quiz: this deadline is strict (15 minutes late will void any grade credit). If your PC or internet connection is unreliable, leave time to find another device, such as in a McGraw Hall computer lab.

Your web quiz result maximum
to paper
test #1,
total not to
exceed 10
to paper
test #2,
total not to
exceed 45
to paper
test #3,
total not to
exceed 10
to paper
test #4,
total not to
exceed 45
to paper
test #5,
total not to
exceed 10
to paper
test #6,
total not to
exceed 45
Grade of 90% submitted by deadline 2 points 4 points 2 points 4 points 2 points 4 points
Grade of 80% submitted by deadline 1 points 2 points 1 points 2 points 1 points 2 points
Grade of 79% or less zero zero zero zero zero zero
Any web quiz submitted late zero zero zero zero zero zero


  1. You earn 90% on web quiz #1 by the deadline, and get 6 (out of 10) points on paper test #1 the following week. Your paper test grade will then be increased to 6 + 2 = 8 points.
  2. You earn 80% on web quiz #1 by the deadline, and get the maximum 10 points on paper test #1 the following week. Your paper test grade will remain at the maximum of 10 points. The web quiz cannot be used to increase a paper test grade beyond a perfect score.
  3. You earn 90% on web quiz #2 by the deadline, and get 36 (out of 45) points on paper test #2 the following week. Your paper test #2 grade will then be increased to 36 + 4 = 40 points.
  4. You earn 80% on web quiz #2 by the deadline, and get 44 (out of 45) points on paper test #2 the following week. Your paper test will then be increased to 44 + 1 = 45, the maximum for paper test #2. The web quiz cannot be used to increase a paper test grade beyond a perfect score.
  5. You earn 60% on web quiz #3 by the deadline, and get 8 (out of 10) points on paper test #3 the following week. Your paper test #3 grade will then remain at 8 points. You must earn a grade of at least 80% on a web quiz to earn points toward the semester grade.
  6. You earn 90% on web quiz #4 ten minutes before the deadline, and print that result out, but your PC crashes before you press the SUBMIT button on the quiz. You reboot your PC and submit the quiz thirty minutes late. You then get 40 (out of 45) points on paper test #4 the following week. Your paper test #4 grade will then remain 40 points. To receive grade benefit from a web quiz, it must be submitted by the deadline. If your PC or internet connection are unreliable, leave time to use a McGraw lab on campus.
  7. You earn 80% on web quiz #5 and submit this one minute before the deadline. You then re-think your wrong answers and re-submit this quiz with 90% correct answers, but do so ten minutes after the deadline. The following week, you get 7 (out of 10) points on paper test #5. Your paper test #5 grade will then be increased to 7 + 1 = 8 points, reflecting only web quiz results submitted before the deadline.

This page last updated
17 September 2017