Nenno, Wisconson, about 12 miles west of West Bend, about 30 miles northwest of Milwaukee
Wm P. Roscoe Jr. in 1979
near site of Nenno P.O. |
1876 map of Nenno. Main N-S road is Hy 175;
main E-W road is Hy 33, which (in 2017) has been re-built
slightly southward near Hy. 175 (see satellite photo below) |
Nicholas Nenno (photo about 1875)
An original resident and town namesake |
Saints Peter and Paul Catholic church and school, about 1900 |
The church is no longer used for worship in 2017, but has been re-purposed as the "Garden and Wedding Center"
The original 1847 Nenno church and school, as it appeared about 1950.
Nenno Post Office and general store |
General store as it appeared about 1900, across Hy 175 from St. Peter and Paul Church in Nenno, Wis.
Built by Nicholas Nenno about 1870. After his death in 1877, owned by L.R. Neuburg at least until the photo below.
The Nenno general store as it appeared about 1980.
It still stands in 2017, undergoing renovation as a tourist attraction
John M. Hefter outside the L.P. Neuburg general store and saloon, about 1900
Bonlender Blacksmith Shop as it was in 1979 in Nenno, Wis.
from TOWNSHIP OF ADDISON 1846-1976 in library at West Bend, Wis |
On the plat map of 1859, it can be seen that Nick Nenno owned a 60-acre parcel of land -
its description being the SE¼ of NE¼ of section 7 of the Town of Addison -
also the S½ of the NE¼ of the NE¼ of section 7. Placing it on our today's map,
this was the former Jerome Mueller farm, now Harold Mueller's second farm. Later, Mr. Nenno
sold this parcel of land to the Peter Christnacht family as shown on an 1873 map. The
Christnacht family descendants later became the Allenton bank family.
Mr. Nenno then acquired approximately 5 acres to the immediate east of SS. Peter and Paul
Church, where he built a store, hotel and post office. It is today (=1976)
the Alois Neuburg property, without, of course, the post office, although some evidence of post
office essentials and artifacts can still be seen there. Mr. Neuburg did say that their park to
the south of the tavern was church property which was purchased.
Vintage pictures of the Joe Mueller barn, the post office,
and the Bonlender Blacksmith shop are inserted.
Mr. Nenno also built a large shed to the north of the store which had its south side open.
It was used as a horse stable for SS. Peter and Paul church attendants, shoppers at the store,
as well as travelers staying at the hotel. They would tie their horses into this building for
protection from the elements, especially in the winter, when the owners would cover them with
blankets to keep them warm.
As to Mr. Nenno's descendents, it was found that several distantly but directly related are
living in Beaver Dam. It was learned that his daughter-in-law and his grandson are supposedly
buried in SS. Peter and Paul cemetery.
On a map of 1873, we learn that a Mr. Michael Gehl and wife Theresa from Luxemberg, Germany,
had somewhere along acquired the Nick Nenno hotel and store. There was a creamery built near
the store. The farmers in the surrounding area who had milk cows, usually had a machine called
a cream separator, which separated the cream from the milk. Ambrose Zingsheim, who raised 13
children on a 40-acre farm, and who lived on the former Wendolyn Zingsheim farm, drove to the
farmers' homes with horses and a small wagon to pick up the cream and hauled it to the Gehl
creamery. Whenever a farmer didn't have a cream separator, he himself, with a scoop, took the
cream off the milk as best he could. The cream was made into butter and cheese which was hauled
and sold to other communities. Because no cream was picked up from the farmers on Sundays, they
had to make use of the cream themselves, making it into butter, cooked and cottage cheese and
even brick cheese.
Paragraph omitted describing how the Pfeifer family ran the creamery
Today the store and tavern are operated by Weise and Eleanor Neuburg, and are helped by their
three sons John, Bertie, and Charlie.
The remaining 12 paragraphs on the article are omitted. They do not appear
to relate to the Nenno family, but rather to contributions of other families. However, it
is mentioned that an artist "Mr. Nennig" came to Nenno from Theresa in the very early 1900's,
leaving behind much art and 12 children.
In June 2001, the Nenno Brewery still stands and is a thriving bed-and-breakfast.
2017 satellite photo of the region near Nenno, Wisonsin
Photos courtesy of Mary Lou Nenno, Emily Roscoe, and Johan Johanson