Alice Cox Album
Electronic form by Tom McFarland, August 2002
Ordered by approximate date

McFarland album
Cox family tree
Website Menu

1 Emeline Cox Album (1860-1890)
2 Hannah P. Landis Album (1865-1895)
3 Carroll's Landis family scrapbook (1900-1920)
4 Adele (Nenno) Landis album (1875 - 1980)
5 William Landis album (1887 - 1952)
6 McCormick album (1887 - 1952)
7 Landis coat of arms; Landis Family History
8 Alice (Cox) Landis 6 photos (1880-1920)
9 Dorathy (Landis) McFarland album (1913 - 2002)
10 Alice Louise Landis, Josephine Allyn (1920 ?)
11 Josephine Allyn (est. 1920)
12 Objects from Landis/Cox families (1900-1920)
13 Home of Joe Allyn near Delavan (est. 1925)
14 Home of JP Allyn's mother in Delavan (1929)
McFarland album
Cox family tree
Website Menu