Newer versions of Windows Media Player allow the viewer to adjust the sound and image quality to enhance the video. For example, some videos have a "rumble" in the sound track due to air conditioning: reduce the lower sound frequencies. Or some videos may seem too dim or bright : these qualities may be adjusted. It is possible, with effort, to make such alterations a permanent part of the file, depending upon the viewer's tastes. Original videos were done on half-inch analog tape, which will probably be unreadable by about 2010.

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  1. Diana McFarland among Monarchs at Eileen Jurgenson's (August 2001 ; 90 seconds)
  2. Eileen Jurgenson recalls her Nenno grandparents (August 2001 ; 238 seconds)
  3. Eileen Jurgenson reflects on her own childhood with Diana McFarland (August 2001 ; 215 seconds)
  4. Eileen Jurgenson reflects on the ages of Diana McFarland and her Nenno grandma (August 2001 ; 66 seconds)