Madeleine Downey Videos

This index may be adapted for whatever family will possess this CD. As of February 2004, over 22 GB of videos from the Anderson, McFarland, Horan, Illian, Jurgenson, Nenno, Roscoe, Wilson, De Vos, and Downey families have been transcribed into MPG format. Links to these video clips may also appear in picture and genealogy sections of this CD.

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  1. Madeleine Downey's childhood memories (February 2004 ; 247 seconds)
  2. Madeleine Downey recalls her mother; her voice (February 2004 ; 139 sec)
  3. Madeleine Downey recalls smoking (February 2004 ; 91 sec)
  4. Madeleine Downey recalls reading, sports (February 2004 ; 75 sec)
  5. Madeleine Downey's parents meet (February 2004 ; 77 sec)
  6. Madeleine Downey recalls Jesse's artificial eye; life in Sandwich (February 2004 ; 266 sec)
  7. Madeleine Downey comments on Robert Woodward's family (February 2004 ; 135 sec)
  8. Madeleine Downey recalls Blackhawk wars (February 2004 ; 167 sec)
  9. Madeleine Downey relates tales of Valentine Vermilye (February 2004 ; 286 sec)
  10. Madeleine Downey recalls her daughter Kathleen (February 2004 ; 287 sec)
  11. Madeleine Downey recalls her son John (February 2004 ; 378 sec)
  12. Madeleine Downey recalls her son Jim (February 2004 ; 642 sec)
  13. Madeleine Downey recalls her husband (February 2004 ; 191 sec)
  14. Madeleine Downey recalls her father, son John (February 2004 ; 99 sec)
  15. What Madeleine Downey's best life choice (February 2004 ; 87 sec)
  16. What Madeleine Downey might do differently (February 2004 ; 155 sec)