Page 5
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Wright family tree
Prints made in Northern Ireland.
Page 5 (upper left)
Emily Mary (Wright) Brown (?) ;
Clothing dated by Leslie Bellais at 1894-96 (minimum 1893)
estimated age 30: birth 1864-1866
major image damage near mouth repaired
same as Page 6 lower left (?)
  Page 5 (upper right)
William Canovan Brown (born abt. 1853) ;
clothing dated by Leslie Bellais at 1900
estimated age 40: birth 1860
similar to Page 13 lower right
See 1923 identified photo
husband &

wife (?)

Page 5 (lower left)
Robert Kelly
Clothing dated by Leslie Bellais at about 1870 (1868-72)
estimated age 45: birth 1825
Same as on page 21 upper right
  Page 5 (lower right)
Charlotte (McFarland) Kelly: see comment below
Clothing dated by Leslie Bellais at about 1865 (1860s)
estimated age 30: birth 1835

There are 5 women closely related to Catherine (McFarland) Wright who had children, namely:

Jane, Catherine's older sister, born about 1811, married in 1846
Catherine herself, born 1822, whose youngest child was born 1857
Catherine's sister Margery, born about 1827, whose only child (Robert) was born 1854
Catherine's sister-in-law Anastasia (Sadleir) McFarland, born 1837, whose first 3 children were born 1864, 1867, and 1868, and
Catherine's sister Charlotte (born 1836) whose 1st and 3rd children were born 1859 and 1866

The clothing date of about 1865 on the lower right photo suggests the 30-year-old woman was born about 1835, ruling out the first three women. Anastasia cannot be ruled out on timing, but Anastasia was an in-law, whereas Charlotte was Catherine;s sister. Also, there were 2 additional links between the families of Charlotte and Catherine, in that bith Catherine's daught Matilda, and her nephew James Wright married Kellys. A photo date of about 1865 is very near the date of birth (1866) of Charlotte's daughter Mary Anne, who married Catherine's nephew James Wright , so it is more likely that the lower right photo is Charlotte.