name |
type of notice |
Adams, Albert H. |
obituary |
Adams, Augustus |
obituary |
Adams, Charles H. |
obituary |
Adams, J. Phelps |
obituary |
Adams, Henry A. |
obituary |
Adams, Oliver |
obituary |
Adams, Clara |
obituary |
Adams, Ralph |
obituary |
Adams, M. Emma |
obituary |
Adams, Walter G. |
obituary |
Allyn, Joseph P. |
will, obituary |
Anderson, Marguerite |
death notice |
Anderson, Donald Sr. |
obituary |
Apprill, Paul |
obituary |
Bernard, Cresentia |
marriage |
Blair, Ida |
obituary |
Blair, Calvin E. |
obituary |
Blair, Clyde S. |
obituary |
Blair, Craig F. |
obituary |
Brinkmeyer, Gustave |
obituary |
Brinkmeyer, Wilhelmina |
obituary |
Burdick, G.B. |
marriage |
Burdick, Jemima |
death certificate |
Burdick, Olive |
obituary |
Cox, Albert M. |
obituary |
Cox, Albert M. |
1880 census |
Cox, Alice L. |
marriage |
Cox, Alice L. |
obituary |
Cox, Ella |
obituary |
Cox, Emeline E. |
obituary |
Cox, Fannie |
obituary |
Cox, Henry A. |
marriage |
Cox, Henry A. |
obituary |
Cross, Henrietta |
obituary |
Davids, Henry S. |
obituary |
Davids, Henry S. |
Will |
Davids, Charlotte J. |
obituary |
De Vos, Madeleine |
obituary |
Downey, Mary Madeleine |
obituary |
Edgerton, George E. |
obituary |
Edgerton, Delia B. |
obituary |
name |
type of notice |
Flood, Harold |
marriage |
Farley, Jane M. |
obituary |
Gentner, Don |
obituary |
Haezebrouck, Elisa |
boarding pass |
Harris, Robert (1837) |
will |
Illian, Carroll |
marriage |
Illian, Joseph |
obituary |
Jandt, Charlotte |
obituary |
Jurgenson, Eileen |
obituary |
Kelly, Charlotte (1909) |
Will |
Kelly, Ethel |
obituary |
Kelly, Joseph (father) |
Will (1883) |
Kelly, Joseph (son) |
Will (1900) |
Landis, Adele M. |
obituary |
Landis, Aimee M. |
obituary |
Landis, Alma |
obituary |
Landis, Dorathy A. |
birth |
Landis, Edmund M |
obituary |
Landis, Edmund Sr. |
obituary |
Landis, Hannah P. |
obituary |
Landis, John W. |
marriage |
Landis, John W. |
Music Box |
Landis, John W. |
job change |
Landis, John W. |
obituary |
Landis, Johannes |
will (1747) |
Landis, Lee F. |
obituary |
Landis, Nina (Mrs. James) |
obituary |
Landis, Roland R. |
obituary |
Landis, William W. |
obituary |
Lowden, Jean |
obituary |
Maher, Sarah Landis |
obituary |
Maher, Theophile D. |
obituary |
Mannetter, Gustav |
obituary |
Mannetter, Louise Anna |
obituary |
McCaughan, Archibald |
Will |
McFarland, Alexander |
Will |
McFarland, Charlotte |
obituary |
McFarland, Dorathy A. |
obituary |
McFarland, Dorathy A. |
McFarland, Frederick W. |
death cert. |
name |
type of notice |
McFarland, Martha |
Will |
McFarland, Sara F. |
obituary |
McFarland, Thomas F. |
birth |
McFarland, Thomas F. |
marriage |
McFarland, Thomas F. |
obituary |
McFarland, William D. |
birth |
McKay, Calvin D. |
obituary |
McKay, Harriet E. |
obituary |
McLaughlin, Larry L. |
obituary |
Nenno, Gerald Nicholas |
obituary |
Nenno, John Nicholas |
obituary |
Nenno, Marguerite (Lynch) |
obituary |
Nenno, Frank J. (Cap) |
obituary |
Patterson, D.W. |
obituary |
Plotz, Jeanne Carroll (Landis Illian) |
obituary |
Potter, John V. Sr. |
obituary |
Risdon, Edward (1773) |
will |
Risdon, Edward (1825) |
will |
Risdon, Joan (1829) |
will |
Risdon, Philip (1767) |
will |
Robinson, Maria |
obituary |
Robinson, Mary S. |
obituary |
Robinson, Matthew |
obituary |
Roscoe, Wm. P. Roscoe Jr |
obituary |
Seely, Eulalia |
obituary |
Seely, Charles |
obituary |
Sterrett, Lydia (Adams) |
obituary |
Tack, Marie Marina |
birth |
Tack, Constantinus |
marriage notice |
Tack, Maurice |
boarding pass |
Vermilye, Phoebe (Davids). |
obituary |
Vermilye, Valentine M. |
obituary |
Weir, Bessie G. |
obituary |
Weir, James H. |
obituary |
Weir, Marie V. |
obituary |
Weir, Thomas A. |
obituary |
Wilson, Elizabeth |
obituary |
Woodward, Ino |
obituary |
Wright, Andrew |
will |
Wright, John |
will |
From the Chicago Tribune dated Saturday 6 December 1902.
MAHER : Theophile Daniel Maher, aged 87 years, husband of
Sarah C. Maher. Funeral today from residence at Wilmette ; private. |
In January 2002, Rosehill Cemetery states Sarah Landis Maher
died on 11 March 1903, buried in Section 113, lot 124, south ½.
Sarah's obituary was included in a scrapbook created by John W. Landis,
but it is not known how Sarah is related to other members of the Landis family. There is only one
Abraham Landis known in our branch of the Landis family,
and this man would have been 77 years old in 1830, when Sarah was born. |
Mrs. Sarah Landis Maher of Wilmette, heroine
of the civil war, died yesterday at the age of 73. She was the daughter of Abraham Landis
of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, the first prominent member of the famous Landis family
of that state. Her husband, who died last December at Wilmette, at the age of 87, was a
construction chemist, and erected the first sulphuric acid plant in the United States
in Philadelphia in 1842. He also erected plants in California and Chicago in the early
[Mr. and Mrs. Maher helped to make history at the time of the civil war, for their
efforts saved kanawha county, West Virginia, to the Union. They were living at the time
at Mill Creek, where Mr. Maher had charge of coal oil works. The sentiment was running
strongly to the side of the secessionists when Mrs. Maher urged that, as there was not a
Union flag in the district, her husband ride to Charleston, ten miles away, and procure
silk materials so that she could manufacture one. The question of secession from the
Union or from the eastern part of the state was to be voted on two days after Mrs. Maher
received her silk, and she was compelled to work all day Sunday and all Sunday night to
get the flag finished in time. The next morning, when the men of the district went to
the polling place, they found floating above it a beautiful banner, Mr. Maher on a block
ready to address them, and his wife by his side pointing to the flag as its folds
flapped from the staff. Mr. Maher made an impassioned speech, and with the tears
streaming down his cheeks, begged his neighbors to remain true to the Union. The appeal
was not made in vain, and a large majority was given against secession. Mrs. Maher the
took the flag and, aided my a large body of men, planted it on a hill overlooking the
whole vally, where it stayed until it fell into tatters. Mrs. Maher was for many years a
leading member of the Presbyterian Church in this city. The burial will be at Rosehill]
Sarah (Landis) Maher, with her husband Theophile (Therphin). Recorded in the
Wilmette (Illinois) directory as living on Washington Street with husband and Sophia,
and after her death on 11 March 1903, Sophia is listed as living at this address. In a
scrapbook kept by John William Landis, Alice Landis and a
Mrs. Mahier are listed as contributing to a Grant
memorial in Chicago. Also see 1880 census with husband below.
Theophile Daniel Maher, listed in the 1880 Indiana census, New Albany Township, Floyd County
(a suburb of Louisville), Page 250B, Dewey St. between 15th and Vincennes, as follows:
father born
mother born
Maher Theophlin
Maher Sarah
Maher Nathan
Maher Sophia
Maher Mary
West Virginia
Maher George
West Virginia
Maher Walter
From Chicago Tribune, Tuesday 6 April 1965 |
Calvin Davids McKay, April 3, 1965, beloved husband of Harriet Elsie,
dear father of Ruth, grandfather of 2. Services Wednesday, April 7,
at 10 A.M., Wm H. Scott Funeral Home, 1460 Sherman Avenue, Evanston,
Illinois. Interment Memorial Park. Visitation Teusday, 7 to 9 P.M.
Member Shriners Union Lodge No.7 of Denver, Colo., Rocky Mountain
Consistory, No. 2, and Medinah Temple |
From Chicago Tribune, Thursday 9 March 1978 |
Harriet E. McKay, mother of Ruth M. Eck, grandmother of Linda Lee Cox,
great-grandmother of John R. Eck and Amy L. Cox. Crib side services
Friday 2 P.M., Memorial Park Mausoleum, Skokie |
From a Sandwich, Illinois newspaper, clipped as part of a scrapbook held by the
John Potter family, kept by Laura McMillan of Lewistown, Montana in 2005 |
The brightness of these glad holidays has been suddenly shadowed by the death of
one who was expected to contribute so much to the pleasure of every social occasion.
The whole community was startled Tuesday morning when it was announced that
Mrs. Vermilye, wife of Dr. V. Vermilye, died at midnight. It was known that she was quite ill
but with her wonderful spirit and energy, she had recovered so often from similar attacks
that we all held fast to the hope that she would again recover. But exhausted nature at last
gives way after so many supreme struggles and Mrs. Vermilye, the light of her home and
the life and joy of every circle in which she moved, with an energy that had never yet been
subdued, was compelled to yield to the demands of the stern messenger death.
Mrs. Vermilye was born in Duchess Co., N.Y. in 1829 [A note written by
Phoebe's daughter Kate on a photograph states that Phoebe was
"born Apr 23, 1827, died Dec 28, 1874"] and at the time of her death was 45
years of age. Her maiden name was Davids and she was descended from the Brinckerhoffs,
one of the oldest and most substantial families of that part of the state. - She spent her
childhood and early youth partly on the banks of the Hudson River near Fishkill and partly
with her friends in New York City. She was married to Dr. V. Vermilye at the early age of
17, Mrs. A.M. Cox formerly of Sandwich and now of Chicago who by her own illness was
unfortunately prevented from attending the funeral yester, was her sister. Her oldest
brother Garret B. is a member of the form that carry on the celebrated Dunnemead Iron
Works, Baltimore, and during the war was government Inspector of Iron Clads.
Another brother, Henry is a chief engineer in the U.S. Navy and still another, Oscar who
died at Norfolk, Va. held the same position.
Dr. and Mrs. Vermilye came west in 1852 and settled in Newark [
Illinois] . While there the Dr. was chosen to represent his district in the legislature.
About 11 years ago they came to Sandwich where they have since had their permanent residence.
In the depth of our sorrow over the event which has saddened so many hearts we cannot do
justice to the life and character of the deceased. She was in every respect a superior woman.
Bright in intellect, emanently social in nature and genial and kindly in disposition she was a central
object of attraction in any society and won for herself everywhere warm and admiring friends. As a
wife and a mother, in the center of her own bright household, she gathered to herself the fondest and
truest trust and affection.
Often delicate in health her unconquerable spirit always sustained her and her cheerful voice and her
remarkable social gifts made home ever attractive and joyous. But a few days since she was about
the house attending to her domestic duties and ministering to her husband who has been ill for several
weeks, bright as a ray of sunshine, her presence a sure preventive of despondency, when suddenly
she was stricken with a fatal disease and in one week her spirit took its flight from its clay tenement.
But hope takes bright wings across the dark flood, so silent its terrors and on the radiant shores
beyond sees the lustre rekindled in the eyes that death's cold hand has closed and hears again the
music of that voice the clear echoes of which are still ringing in the hearts of those that still are weeping.
The funeral was from the Presbyterian Church yesterday at 1 P.M. Rev. Crofts preaching a very appropriate
and impressive sermon to the crowded assembly that was gathered. Mrs. Vermilye leaves a family of 6
children the youngest a daughter of about 12 years of age. The sympathies of the whole community will be
extended to the children so sadly bereaved and to the husband still suffering from disease, upon whom this
terrible blow has fallen. |
Black : Probably from Sandwich Free Press, dated
10 May 1906.
Red : Agras (a 2nd Sandwich newspaper) - reel #21
Valentine Mott Vermilye was married to
Phoebe Ann Davids, sister to Emeline E. (Davids) Cox
Dr. Valentine Mott Vermilye, who came to Sandwich in 1861,
dies at home of daughter
____________ GRADUATES FROM COLUMBIA COLLEGE ____________ Is
Singularly Successful In Many Years of Practice here ____________
The funeral services of Dr. Valentine Mott Vermilye were held at the Presbyterian
church Wednesday afternoon. The interment was at Oak Ridge. Rev. Bickenbach in
his discourse said:
Valentine Mott Vermilye was born in the township of LeGrange, Duchess county,
New York, on the 4th of April, 1818. He was the youngest of seven children, two
girls and five boys, all of whom attained the age of 83 and above, two of them
reaching the age of 87 and 94. His mother was born on
Independence Day, July 4th, 1776, at Saratoga Springs. The mother was of Holland
descent, the father descended from the Huguenots of France. The family were
members of a Quaker community, and all of the children remained throughout their
lives an unquestioned reverence and love for the old Quaker faith and its
principles of life.
In early boyhood he attended the district school. From there he went to the Quaker
academy at Poughkeepsie, where he heard such orators of the day as Henry Clay and
Daniel Webster, and where, upon the death of the superintendent of the academy,
he was called to take charge. He studied medicine in the
medical school of Columbia University, New York, and graduated in 1844. He
afterward studied law and graduated at Cleveland, Ohio, but having no taste
for the profession, he returned to the practice of medicine.
On November 5, 1845, he was married to Phoebe Ann Davis
[spelled "Davids" in Agras] of Fishkill, N.Y., who died 31 years ago
last december, in 1874. To this union were born eight children, two of them dying
in infancy and of the two oldest a daughter Ino died in
Sandwich in 1882, and a son Larrey died in Sioux City, Iowa, January 1905.
The four children remaining are Mrs. Thomas Weir, Mrs. R.K. Woodward and Mr.
Oscar Vermilye, all of Sandwich ["this city" in Agras],
and Mrs. John Potter of White Sulphur Springs, Montana. Owing to distance and
sickness only two of these were able to attend the funeral.
In 1854 he came west and located at Newark [Illinois], where
he resided for nearly seven years. It was during his stay here that he was a member of the
legislature for two terms, representing Kendall county. This brought him into contact with
Abraham Lincoln, of whom he was a close friend, and
whose farewell address he was permitted to hear.
In 1861 the family moved to Sandwich, which has ever since been his home and
where he successfully followed his chosen profession, that of medicine, until
nature asked him to rest. He was loath to leave the old home, sharing it with his
son and family for seventeen years. During the last three years, he has lived
with his daughter, Mrs. Woodward, the most of the time in much feebleness of
body. But that strong constitution long and steadily resisted the encroachment
of advancing weakness. At last true to his own prophecy and long desire, he
quietly passed away on the evening of May 7, 1906, aged 88 years, one month,
and three days. |
From scrapbook kept by the John V. Potter family of White Sulphur Springs, Montana,
probably originally from a Sandwich newspaper |
The tidings of the death of this most estimable woman brings sadness to many hearts. The
severe illness announced in previous Gazettes hastened on
to its fatal termination, and on Wednesday, Feb 14th, 1882, as the day wore away toward
evening, she breathed her last. Devoted as a wife, loving and faithful as a daughter and
sister, true as a friend, in the meridian of live, in the midst of her bright earthly hopes and
anticipations, she has been taken. From a large circle of friendships which she adorned,
from a society which she made brighter by her cheerful spirit she has been removed. It
seems almost impossible to realize the sad fact that she is gone. But a few months ago,
she and her husband moved into their new, beautiful home and looked forward with fond
expectation to years of domestic joy and peace. How rudely these ardent hopes have been
Yet the dark dispensation is illuminated by the confident faith that while the husband is left
alone and desolate, the wife has gone before into the eternal mansions, whose splendors no
heart can conceive. Here is the only relief, the one compensation for the loss and the sorrow.
To this hope we commend our stricken and bereaved brother, and the disconsolate family
from which a sister and daughter has been taken.
Mrs. Ino Woodward was born Dec. 29th, 1846, and at the time of her death was a little over
35 years of age. Her maiden name was Ino Vermilye, being a daughter of Dr. V. Vermilye of
this city. While she was yet a child the family was removed from their native place near
Fishkill on the Hudson, living several years in Newark
[Illinois] and about 18 years ago coming to Sandwich,
wher they have since resided. It is seldom a death has cast such a shadow over the community
and awakened such sincere sorrow.
The funeral was held from the Presbyterian church, Thursday at 2 p.m., a large concourse of
sympathizing friends assembling. The services were conducted by Rev. D.W. Falls. The
remains were deposited at Oak Ridge Cemetery.
Mysterious are the ways of God |
From Dames Funeral Home website |
Age 95, of Joliet, IL passed away Tuesday, January 5, 2010. Laine was born Mary Madeleine Woodward, June 14, 1914,
in Chicago, IL, the daughter of John Guy Woodward and Charlotte Poulter Waterbury, and a descendant of two of America's
oldest families. She moved to Joliet as a toddler, to the corner of McDonough and Dewey Streets, and claimed Joliet as her lifelong home.
She graduated from St. Patrick's Grade School and St. Francis Academy. She attended Joliet Junior College.
After the US entered World War II, Laine and her sister Ruth joined the Marine Corps. Laine enlisted in the first class of Women Marines,
while Ruth was sent to Officer Candidate School. Laine later received a commission, leaving the service as a 1st Lieutenant. Proud of being
a Marine, she became an active member of the Women Marines Association, Blanche S. Osborne Chapter. She married John E. "Jack" Downey
on April 12, 1947. Jack passed away in 1994, after 46 years of marriage She was a past president of the Joliet Catholic High Mother's Club,
and a member of the Visitation and Aid Society and St. Joseph's Hospital Auxiliary. She was a proud member of the Louis Joliet Chapter,
Daughters of the American Revolution, and the General Society of Mayflower Descendants. She was a member of St. Paul the Apostle Parish
for nearly sixty years, writing a column for St. Paul's "Carillon" for several years.
She is survived by her three children, Kathleen (Mrs. George A. McConaghy) of Naperville, IL, John E., Jr. (Linda) of Malvern, IA, and James M.,
of New Canaan, CT, and three grandchildren, Christine M. McConaghy of Downers Grove, IL, Jennifer A. McConaghy of New York City,
and Walker P. Downey of New Canaan, CT. She is also survived by her sister, Ruth Agnes Woodward (Mrs. Julian O. Cumberland) of Montrose, NY.
Funeral Services for Mary M. Downey will be Monday, January 11, 2010 at 9:15 a.m. from the funeral home to St. Paul the Apostle Catholic
Church for a Mass of Christian Burial at 10:00 a.m. Interment Monday at 12:00 p.m. at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery where full military honors
will be accorded. In lieu of flowers, memorials in her name to the Women Marines Association or Our Lady of Angels Retirement Home would be
appreciated. Visitation Sunday, 2-6 p.m. at:
3200 Black at Essington Rds., Joliet
For information: (815) 741-5500
| |
Funeral offering, kept by the John V. Potter family of White Sulphur Springs, Montana,
reprinted from The Independent Record of Helena, Montana, 10 Sept 1972 |
age 79, died Thursday in a White Sulphur Springs hospital.
Funeral services will be at 2 PM Monday at the Twichel Funeral Chapel with
the Rev. James Anderson of Grace Episcopal Church officiating. Burial will
be in the Masonic Section of Mayn Cemetery, White Sulphur Springs.
Born in White Sulphur Springs Dec. 4, 1892, Potter graduated from
Montana State College in 1915 and served two years in the army
during World War I.
He operated an abstract and insurance business in White Sulphur Springs
from 1921 until his recent retirement.
Married to the former Ruth M. Potts July 15, 1930, Potter served many years as
county surveyor. Between 1939 and 1947 he served three terms as state
representative and one term as state senator from Meagher County.
He was a 50-year member of the Diamond City Lodge 7, AF&AM.
Besides the widow of White Sulphur, he is survived by a sister, Mrs. Laura
B. Stevens of Bozeman, one daughter, Laura Ann Lodman of Lewistown,
and a son, John V. Potter Jr. of White Sulphur Springs. |
Original birth certificate of Marie Tack
copied from records of Georgina De Vos (spelling edited by Chris DeVeth in Belgium, 2007) |
Royaume de Belgique -o- Province de la
Flandre Orientale |
commune de Machelen
L'officier de l'état civil de Machelen, certifie que le
huit Octobre mille huit cent quatre vingt cinq
est né en sa commune,
Marie Marina Tack
fille de Constantin
et de Rosalie de Loof, son épouse
délivré à Machelen sur papier libre pour renseignment
le [single digit number indistinct] Fbre 1914. |
[two official stamps] |
Marriage certificate (?) of Constantinus Tack and Rosalie De Loof.
(obtained from Julie Tack of Saginaw, Michigan; spelling edited by Chris De Veth in Belgium, 2007) |
Afgeleverd aan M_________________ ___________________
voor________________ __________________ ___________________
- Wet van 2 Januari 1936, Art. 6. - KOSTEN :
Zegelrecht K.B. 13-1-33 Afschriftrecht K.B. 25-9-33 Totaal frs. |
UITTREKSELS van Akten uit de registers van den Burgerlijken
Stand der gemeente Machelen.
(following handwritten)
Het jaar achttien honderd vijf en negentig, den
eersten Januari is te Machelen overleden : Tack
Constantinus, oud vier en veertig jaar, vlas=
koopman, geboren te Grammene en wonende te
Machelen zoon van Charles en van Amelia
Van Eechaute beiden overleden, echtgenoot van
Rosalie de Loof, oud zes en dertig jaar, winkelier=
ster, wonende te Machelen
(end of handwriting)
Voor gelijkvormig afschrift, op (-) gezegezeld papier.
MACHELEN, den 24 September 1937
De Ambtenaar van den Burgerlijken Stand.
(signed and sealed [two official stamps]) |
Obituary for Sara Frances (Burdick) McFarland, in Great Falls Tribune, 20 Feb 1957 |
Memorial Obituary Falls Woman Dies on Visit to California |
Mrs. Sara F. McFarland, 76, a resident of this city since 1928, died at
Oakland, California, where she had been visiting a son, Eugene R. McFarland.
Mrs. McFarland suffered a fatal stroke Sunday. |
A native of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, she was born Sara F. Burdick on July 25, 1880,
and was married November 30, 1905, to Thomas A. McFarland. The couple
moved to this city in 1928, and Mr. McFarland died here on June 23, 1956.
The body will be forwarded to Croxford's Mortuary where funeral services
will be announced later. Mrs. McFarland is survived by two daughters,
Mrs. W.D. Griffin of North Hollywood, California, and Alberta Horan of
Livingston; two sons, Thomas F. McFarland of Wauwatosa, Wisconsin,
and Eugene of Piedmont, California; two sisters, Nell Burdick
of San Diego, and Florence Sims of Hartland, Wis.; eight grandchildren
and numerous neices and nephews. |
Obituary for Charlotte (McFarland) Graham
Enclosure in Charlotte's Bible, owned by George Ferris |
Mrs. C. Graham |
The death took place [30 April 1948] on Friday last of
Mrs. C. Graham, widow of Mr. G.F. Graham, Millbrook, Clones, a well known
judge and breeder of shorthorn cattle and an extensive auctioneer.
Mrs. Graham resided at Clones for almost 40 years, was of a kindly and friendly
disposition and a faithful member of Clones Parish Church. She is survived by
two sisters and a brother all living in America.
The funeral took place on Sunday to Clones Parish Church. Rev. R.J. Williamson,
M.A., officiated. |
Birth Certificate of Thomas Frederick McFarland |
Certificate of Birth Registration |
This Certifies that, a certificate of birth is on file at this office bearing the
Name Thomas Fred Mc Farland Born on September 12, 1906
At Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Father Thomas Mc Farland Mother Sarah Burdick
Milwaukee Health Department
(signature printed) E.R. Krumbiegel, M.D.
Commissioner of Health
No. of Certificate 6963 embossed with seal of registrar of Vital Statistics
Filed Oct. 31, 1906 |
Marriage certificate for Thomas F. McFarland and Dorathy A. Landis |
Department of Health - Bureau of Vital Statistics
License Number 73
Place of Marriage
County of Walworth
City of Elkhorn |
I, Roscoe R. Luce, County Judge , hereby
certify that on the 3rd day of July , A.D. 1936
at Elkhorn in the county of Walworth , State of Wisconsin,
Thomas Frederick McFarland of Milwaukee State of Wisconsin
and Dorathy Adele Landis of Delavan State of Wisconsin
were by me united in marriage as authorized by a Marriage license
issued for that purpose by the County Clerk of
Walworth County and State of Wisconsin, numbered 73 and dated the 3rd
day of July A.D. 19 36 .
We, the undersigned, were present at the Marriage of Thomas Frederick McFarland and
Dorathy Adele Landis as set forth in the foregoing certificate, at their request, and heard their declara-
tions that they took each other for husband and wife.
Two witnesses
W. W. Landis (signature)
Mrs. W. W. Landis (signature)
Signature of the person officiating and P.O. Address
Roscoe Luce, County Judge, Elkhorn, Wis. (signature) |
Name Thomas Frederick McFarland
Residence 819 No. 16th St., Milwaukee, Wis.
Age 29 Color white (single) No. of marriages FIRST
Birthplace Milwaukee, Wis. Nationality American
Relationship none
Occupation Salesman
Name of Father Thomas McFarland
Maiden Name of Mother Sarah Burdick
Was a special dispensation issued? yes |
Name Dorathy Adele Landis
Residence Delavan, Wis.
Age 23 Color white (single) No. of marriages FIRST
Birthplace Chicago, Ill. Nationality American
Relationship none
Occupation at home
Name of Father William W. Landis
Maiden Name of Mother Adele Nenno
Was a special dispensation issued? yes |
Date of issue July 3, 19 36 ;
Leo D. Dunlap County Clerk |
Obituary for Thomas Fredrick McFarland, in Milwaukee Journal, April 1989 |
Services were to be held Wednesday in Phoenix, Arizona, for
Thomas F. (Tom) McFarland, 76, former credit manager for The
Journal Co., now known as Journal Communications. |
McFarland died Sunday in Phoenix of complications from a
heart attack suffered in January. He was 82.
His wife Dorathy wrote this note on her April 1989 calendar |
Although born in Milwaukee, his family moved to San Francisco when
he was young and eventually to Montana, where his father was a wheat
rancher. McFarland worked at a variety of jobs, including forest ranger,
sheepherder, freight wagon driver, and combine and threshing machine
operator, before he landed at The Journal in 1928.
At the time, the company was just beginning to use telephones to remind
people who did not pay their bills that it was time to ante up. That was
his first job here. He was named assistant credit manager in 1930, and
later worked in advertising sales until being named credit manager in 1938.
He held that position for 34 years before retiring in 1972.
He then moved to Phoenix.
"He is a legend in the credit department," said Donald Massa, senior vice
president of finance and treasurer of the Journal Communications. "He was an
outstanding credit manager well known for his firmness and understanding."
McFarland is survived by his wife, Dorathy; two sons, Thomas Jr., and Brian,
of Phoenix; and a daughter, Patricia McFarland, of Pueblo, Colorado.
Obituary for Dorathy Adele (Landis) McFarland
Arizona Republic dated 5 November 2003 |
Dorathy A. McFarland of Phoenix
Arizona passed away peacefully at home on October 31, 2003, at the age of
90. Dorothy Adele Landis was born on January 6, 1913 in Chicago, daughter
of Adele (Nenno) and William Walter Landis, and spent her childhood years
in Mobile, Alabama, and Delavan, Wisconsin, attending Wauwatosa High School
in Wisconsin. On July 3, 1936, she married Thomas Frederick McFarland,
and with their 3 children lived in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, from 1941 until
her husband retired from the Milwaukee Journal in 1971. The couple then
moved to Phoenix, where her husband passed away in April 1989. Since a
stroke in 2000, Dorathy has been cared for by her son Brian and his wife
Sue at their home in Phoenix. Dorathy very much loved her family, and was
an avid bridge player. Dorathy is survived by son Thomas McFarland and his
wife Susan of Madison, Wisconsin; daughter Patricia McFarland of Pueblo,
Colorado; son Brian Douglas McFarland and his wife Sue of Phoenix, Arizona;
sister Jeanne (Illian) Plotz of Gurnee, Illinois; grandsons William
McFarland of Duluth, Minnesota and Timothy McFarland of Granite Falls,
Washington, granddaughters Michelle (McFarland) Hinz of Phoenix and Diana
McFarland of Madison; great grandchildren Nicole, Chance and Ellie. |
Correction to above obituary by Dorathy's sister (Jeanne Plotz = next entry): Dorathy spent childhood in Biloxi, not Mobile
Obituary for Jeanne Carroll (Landis Illian) Plotz , sister of Dorathy (Landis) McFarland (above entry)
probably in the local newspaper for Grayslake, Illinois. Jeanne is buried in Highland Cemetery, Guerney, Illinois,
with an alternate memorial in Angola Cemetery (Lake Villa, Illinois) with her 2nd husband Harold Plotz |
Jeanne (Illian) Plotz peacefully passed away on August 6th, 2015. She is survived by her loving
daughters, Carroll (Harold) Flood, Susan (Woody) Williams, and Sally Bailey;
six grandchildren, and 15 Great Grandchildren, who will miss her dearly. A memorial service
will be held on August 15th at Wildwood Presbyterian Church, Graylake, Illinois, at 2:30 PM.
In lieu of flowers, donations to the Wildwood Presbyterian Church would be greatly appreciated. |
Birth Certificate of William Douglas McFarland
(obtained by his sister Shelly McFarland) |
Certificate of Birth Certificado de Nacimento |
State of New Mexico |
Estado de Nuevo Mexico |
I certify that the following birth is registered in the New Mexico Vital Records and Health Statistics |
File No 19670794134 |
Request No 26201239794 |
County of birth: Eddy |
Date of birth: February 25, 1967 |
Date of registration: March 20, 1967 |
Sex: Male |
Name of person Registered: WILLIAM DOUGLAS MCFARLAND |
Name of Father or Parent One: BRIAN D MCFARLAND |
Name of Mother or Parent Two: PATRICIA A DECAIRE |
No. 1575281 |
(signed) Celine Sanchez, December 12, 2003 |
Marriage of Cresentia (Billy) Bernard and Thomas G. Farley
supplied by Billy's granddaughter Megan Moynihan in April 2007 |
Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Bernard, of Ladysmith, formerly of Iron River, announce the marriage of their daughter,
Miss Crescentia, to Thomas J. Farley, of Milwaukee (original scan).
Reverend Father Riesmey, of St. Mary's Church of Ladysmith, officiated at the marriage ceremony, performed
June 27th, at eight o'clock.
Miss Barbara Nowak [handwritten date "1923" above this name], of Chippewa Falls,
attended the bride, and Mr. F.H. Farley, of Ely, Minn., attended the groom.
For the past two years the bride has been supervisor of physical education in the city schools of Antigo. The
groom is director of physical education in one of the large high schools of Milwaukee.
Mr. and Mrs. Farley left at noon for an extended tour in the south. They will make their home in Milwaukee after
September 4th.
Second announcement of the same marriage
Miss Crecentia Bernard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Bernard, of this city, and William Farley, of Milwaukee,
were married at St. Mary's church Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock, Rev. Father Riesenmy officiating. Miss
Barbara Nowak and Frederick Farley, both of Milwaukee, attended
the couple.
After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served to several Ladysmith and out-of-town guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard.
Mr. and Mrs. Farley left Wednesday noon for a short trip before going to Milwaukee, where they will make their home. |
Obituary for Jane Mary Farley
supplied by Jane's daughter Megan Moynihan in April 2007 |
Jane Mary Farley |
After an exuberant life, Jane died in Milwaukee on May 16, 2005. Jane
was a journalist, filmmaker, artist, and bonne vivante. She attended
Messmer High School and was graduated magna cum laude from Marquette's
School of Journalism. From about 1953-1966 she worked as a feature
reporter for the Milwaukee Journal. She left to start a promotional /
educational film company and, as it's creative director, won many
regional and national awards.
"Champagne" Jane liked nothing better than a party. She was a warm,
effusive, and frequent hostess. She had a dramatic and adventurous
spirit. She was a witty and lively conversationalist who was fascinated
by everybody and everything.
She is survived by a daughter, Meg Moynihan, 257 W. Sidney St., St. Paul,
MN 55107.
No visitation or funeral. Instead, Jane wanted a party to celebrate her
and her life. It will be held June 5, 2005 at the Milwaukee Press Club
from 2-4 PM. In lieu of flowers, memorials to Marquette University -
Department of Journalism, Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201 or Milwaukee
Jewish Home, 1414 N. Prospect Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53202.
1603 S. 81st St.
West Allis 414-476-2010 |
Obituary of John Nicholas Nenno,
published in New Ulm Review dated Wed. July 23, 1924 |
Nicholas John Nenno (name as printed) |
Nicholas John Nenno, 401 Wheeler Ave, Mankato, veteran of the Civil War,
died at St. Joseph's Hospital of Mankato at 8 o'clock Monday morning
from a complication of diseases following an illness of several months.
Mr. Nenno was born in Buffalo, N.Y. September 6, 1845. During the civil
war he served in Co. D of the 43rd Wisconsin Infantry under General
Sherman.wounded in the battle of Nashville which prevented him from
marching to the sea. Mr. Nenno was united in marriage to Miss Marguerite
Lynch on July 7, fifty years ago, they having recently celebrated their
golden wedding anniversary. The deceased leaves to mourne his death his
sorrowing wife and the following children : F.J. Nenno, Mrs. Ella
McDonald, Mrs. W.E. Anderson, L.E. Nenno, Mrs. J.P. Saenger all of
Mankato ; Mrs. W.W. Landis of St. Paul ; A.J. Nenno of
New Ulm ; Mrs. W.P. Roscoe of Billings, Mont., and Mrs. E.A. Seely
of Waseca, and fourteen grandchildren. Three sons have preceded him in death.
Funeral sevices were held this morning at St. Mary's church of this city
and interment was made in the Catholic cemetery. The remains were escorted
to the grave by the G.A.R. of New Ulm of which he was a member. |
Unmentioned in J.N. Nenno's obituary above, and that of his wife below, is J.N. Nenno's first son,
John J. Nenno, from an earlier marriage which was kept a secret from his children.
Obituary of Marguerite Ellen (Lynch) Nenno,
published in New Ulm Journal dated March 11, 1932 |
Mrs. J.N. Nenno |
Local relatives received news, Monday, of the sudden death of Mrs. J.N. Nenno,
nee Margaret Ellen Lynch, which occurred at the home of her daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seely, in North Mankato, at 8:30 o'clock that
morning. Heart failure was the cause of her demise, and she had been
ailing for about nine months. Deceased was born at Hartford, Conn.,
June 14, 1855, being past 76 years of age, when the final summons came.
With her parents, she came to Minnesota, when a young girl, and was
married in New Ulm to John N. Nenno, in 1874. Some 33 years ago, the
family moved to Sanborn, where Mr. and Mrs. Nenno conducted the
Altermatt house, for three years, before going to Springfield, where they
had charge of the Walk Hotel, for five years. In 1910, deceased and her
husband went to North Mankato, later spending about two years in Clinton,
Iowa. Since returning to the latter place, Mr. and Mrs. Nenno resided in
North Mankato, where the former died July 21, 1924. Three sons preceded
them in death. Surviving Mrs. Nenno are the following three sons and six
daughters : Frank J. and Leo Nenno, and Mmes. C. McDonald, W.C.
Anderson, J.P. Saenger, and Charles Seely, all of Mankato ; Albert
Nenno, New Ulm ; Mrs. W.P. Roscoe, Billings, Mont., and Mrs. W.W.
Landis, Milwaukee, Wis. She also leaves behind 12 grandchildren and
one great-grandchild, as well as one step-sister, Mrs. John Igo of
Fairfax, and a step-brother, Edward Butler, of Hector.
Funeral sevices were conducted at the Catholic church in North Mankato,
yesterday morning, after which the remains were brought to New Ulm, and
interred in the Catholic cemetery. Deceased was a member of the Women's
Catholic Order of Foresters, and of the Ladies Rosary society of North
Mankato. |
Obituary of Donald N. Anderson,
published in Phoenix dated December 9, 2004 |
Donald Nicholas Anderson |
Donald Nicholas Anderson, 97, of Phoenix, passed away at the Forum
Pueblo Norte in Scottsdale early Monday morning, December 6, 2004.
Don was born in Springfield, Minnesota, at home on May 29, 1907 to
William Chester and Elsie (Nenno) Anderson and was the oldest of three
children. His family moved to Mankato, Minnesota in 1922 and he graduated
from Mankato High School in 1925.
Athletics and physical fitness were important in his life at a very young
age. He played basketball in High School. He picked up boxing while in
college at the University of Minnesota, where he won 2 Golden Gloves
tournaments as a 160-pound middleweight. He was the University middleweight
champion of the big ten and also his fraternity light heavy weight champion.
Don maintained the fitness regimen he followed in college throughout his
entire life, running, skipping rope and boxing. He was often seen in the
gym punching the heavy and speed bags well into his 80's. He worked out
regularly at the Phoenix Country Club and at the SAR Club in Scottsdale.
He was the original physical fitness enthusiast. |
His life's career was in the highway construction business. After high
school and before starting college, he worked for an uncle in Montana as
a laborer learning the construction business. He put himself through
college working on construction jobs in the summer.
He studied at the University of Minnesota where he graduated with a
degree in Civil Engineering in 1931. He then went to work full time for
his uncle as a construction foreman.
He met his wife, Aleen Rigg while working in Montana. They married in
1932 and had 4 children. In 1941, when the US entered World War II, he
was called into the Navy, joining the Civil Engineering Corp. His
assignment was to represent the Navy's interest in overseeing the
building of dry docks by civilian companies at Naval Ship Yards. This
assignment took him throughout the US and Europe.
He left the Navy in 1946 and moved to El Paso, Texas joining college
fraternity brothers with the idea of starting a construction company.
In 1948 they went into business, forming Hansen, Anderson, Dunn in
El Paso, and Western Constructors, Inc. in Phoenix, Arizona. Don moved
his family to Phoenix at that time. Their construction projects
included portions of I-10, Black Canyon Highway, I-40. and I-19. They
built hghways, bridges, underpasses, and overpasses. Don and his two
partners retired from construction business after 28 years in 1976.
Don was a member of the Associated General Contractors, serving on
their board for 7 years. He was an Arizona Registered Professional
Engineer. He was a former member of the Phoenix Country Club and
a member of the Fraternity of Sigma Phi Epsilon.
He was preceeded in death by his parents, his two sisters, Margie
Anderson and Kathleen Esser, and his wife of 40 years, Aleen. Don
remarried in 1976 tp Marjorie Staples Lee, who survives him. His
4 children and their spouses also survive him, Mona Shultz (Theodore),
Vienna, VA; La Donna Marietti (John), Kansas City, MO.;
Stephanie Tribolet (Bill), La Jolla, CA; Donald Anderson, Jr.
(Sandi), Scottsdale, AZ; 14 grandchildren and 27 great-grandchildren.
He was a loving husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather and
will be forever in our hearts.
Visitation will be held from 6:00 - 7:00 P.M., with Scripture Service at
7:00 P.M., Thursday, December 9th, at Whitney & Murphy Funeral Home,
4800 East Indian School Road. Mass of Christian Burial will be at 1:30 P.M.
Friday, December 10, 2004 at Brophy Chapel, 4701 North Central Avenue.
Interment will follw at St. Francis Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, memorial
contributions may be made to Brophy College Prep, 4701 North Central Avenue,
Phoenix, Arizona 85012. |
Obituary of Frank J. (Cap) Nenno,
published in New Ulm Review dated April 10, 1947 |
Frank Nenno |
Frank J. (Cap) Nenno, 72, prominent in the political and business life of
this part of the state for many years, died suddenly in a Mankato
hospital Thursday afternoon. Mr. Nenno had served as election judge
Tuesday but suffered a stroke Thursday from which he did not rally.
Mr. Nenno was appointed deputy internal revenue collector when President
Wilson became president, an office which he held for 23 years. Eight years
ago he retired and since then has been an accountant and assisted in filling
out income tax returns for various clients in this part of the state.
During the years that he was active in public life he was a candidate for
GOP nomination from Congress from this district.
Frank J. Nenno was born in New Ulm, November 13, 1874, and attended the local
schools. He was employed in the Northwestern depot and then engaged in
the saloon business for a number of years. Before he was appointed deputy
revenue collector, he was interested in livestock feeding in South Dakota.
After his appointment he worked out of New Ulm a number of months and then
moved to Minneapolis. He later purchased a home on South State Street and
resided there some years before disposing of it to Auditor C.E. Schmid.
The Nennos then moved to Mankato to make their home. Mr. Nenno was a lover
of fine horses and for many years was the owner of race horses which he
entered in many events in southern Minnesota. Mr. Nenno and Miss Florence
Runnels were married in Sioux City, Iowa, about 45 years ago. His widow
and two daughters, Mrs. Walt [Rita] Hull, Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Gordon
[Gladys] Collins, San Francisco, Calif., survive. There are four grandchildren
and three great-grandchildren.
Two brothers, Albert J. Nenno, Mankato, and six sisters also survive.
They are : Mrs. J.P. [Lily] Saenger, Seattle, Washington ;
Mrs. Wm. W. [Florence] Roscoe, Billings, Mont.; Mrs. Wm. W. [Adell]
Landis, Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. Wm. [Elsie] Anderson; Mrs.
Clint [Ellen] McDonald; and Mrs. Charlie [Lala] Seely, Mankato.
Mr. Nenno was a 32nd degree Mason, and a member of the York and
Scottish Rite Order.
Final rites were conducted at the Kelly-Johnson-Bowman funeral home
in Mankato, Monday at 2 P.M., the Rev. Jerry Lien officiating.
Masonic services were also conducted in his memory. |
Obituary of Gerald Nicholas Nenno,
published in Beaver Dam Daily Citizen |
Gerald Nicholas Nenno |
Gerald N. Nenno, 85, of 112B Industrial Dr., Apt 302, died
May 14, 1992, at Lakeview Nursing Home. Closing service will be
Saturday, 10 a.m., at Briese-Roedl-Weber Funeral Home to St.
Peter's Catholic Church at 10:30 a.m., with Father John Simon
officiating. Burial will be in St. Mary's Cemetery, Beaver Dam.
Mr. Nenno was born August 12, 1906 in Beaver Dam, the son of John
J. and Bertha (Zaastrow) Nenno ["Zaastrow"
as spelled here, with 2 a's]. He married Loretta Franke
on Nov. 9, 1926, she preceeded him in death. He married Pearl
Baker Leisses on Nov. 7, 1982.
He resided in Beaver Dam all his life and served in the Wisconsin
National Guard for three years; was a member of St. Peter's
Catholic Church, the Holy Name Society, where he was a past
president; he had been an umpire for the Rock River League for
many years; he was active in the Fraternal Order of Eagles,
serving as secretary for ten years, and was president in 1941,
State president in 1955; was a life member of the Wisconsin
organization of past-presidents; Roamer's Club; American
Association of Retired Persons; a volunteer of Dodge County Big
Brothers Program.
He was a member of Industrial Development Committee in 1954;
former President of Boot and Shoe Workers Union #651; former
president of Joint District Council, AFL; vocational and Adult
Education school for 17 years, where he served as secretary and
President; Police and Fire Commission for 15 years; former
Eagles Drum and Bugle Corps; Eagle Degree Team for many years;
and was honored as Father of the Year in 1978 by Ladies
Auxiliary, of the Fraternal Order of Eagles.
He is survived by his wife, Beaver Dam; one daughter, Marleen
(Gerald) Berras, Beloit, Wis.; three sons, Robert (Mary Lou)
Nenno, Beaver Dam; Alvin "A.J." (Carol) Nenno, Janesville;
Terry (Jane) Nenno, Beaver Dam; eight grandchildren, two
great-grandchildren; three step-daughters, Fay (Hilmer) Wahl,
Beaver Dam; Gail (Charles) Fakes, Fox Lake; Cindy (Robert)
Hankes, Beaver Dam; nine steo-grandchildren; three
step-great-grandchildren; two brothers, Melvin Nenno, Michigan;
Wilfred Nenno, Beaver Dam; neices, nephews, other relatives and
He was preceeded in death by his parents, three sisters, and one
Friends may call at Briese-Roedl-Weber Funeral Home on Friday
(tonight) from 5 to 8 p.m., with an Eagles service at 6:30 p.m.
and a parish vigil at 7 p.m. |
Obituary of Lala Seely,
published in Mankato Free Press dated Oct 6 1985 |
Eulalia Seely |
Winnebago - Services for Eulalia B. Seely, 88, of Winnebago,
who died Saturday morning, Oct 5, 1985, at the Winnebago Baptist Home,
were 10 a.m. today at St. Mary's Catholic Church, Winnebago, the Rev.
Frank Enright officiating. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery, Mankato.
Spencer-Owen Funeral Home of Winnebago was in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Seely was born Nov. 7, 1896, in New Ulm to John and Margaretha
(Lynch) Nenno. A resident of the Mankato area most of her life, she
graduated from Mankato High School in 1915 and married Charles Seely on
Sept. 25, 1916, in Mankato. She had been a member of Holy Rosary parish
in North Mankato and St. John's parish in Mankato. She moved to
Winnebago in 1978.
Survivors include one daughter, Eileen (Mrs. Alvin) Jurgenson of
Winnebago ; one sister, Elsie Anderson of Independence, Mo. ;
and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her
husband in 1948, six brothers, and four sisters. |
Obituary of Charles Seely,
possibly published in Mankato Free Press dated Feb 14 1948 |
Charles A. Seely Dies Early Today, Funeral Tuesday |
Charles A. Seely, 52, 827 Nicollet avenue, died early today
in a local hospital where he had undergone an operation several weeks ago.
Born in Rome, Wisconsin, Mr. Seely had been employed by the Chicago and
Northwestern railroad company for the past 32 years. For the past 20
years he had lived in North Mankato and had served as traveling freight
and passenger agent.
He is survived by his widow and one daughter, Eileen; his mother, Mrs.
Ed A. Seely
(Eileen Jurgenson states in 2001 that "Ed." is
incorrect: should be Frank), Worthington, one brother, Earl, Minneapolis; and four
sisters, Mrs. C.C. Steel, La Mars, Iowa; Mrs. H.J. Weber, Marshfield,
Wisconsin; and Mrs. J.N. Kain and Mrs. Lee Anderson, both of Worthington.
Mr. Seely was a member of the Knights of Columbus and the Elks Lodge.
The body will lie in state at the Landkamer Funeral Home from 10 a.m.
Monday until time of the services at 10 a.m. Tuesday.
Members of the Knights of Columbus, relatives and friends, will meet at
the Landkamer Funeral Home to recite the rosary Monday evening at 8 p.m.
Funeral services will be held Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. from the Holy
Rosary Church, North Mankato, with interment at Calvary. |
Obituary of Eileen (Seely) Jurgenson,
supplied by the Spencer-Oweb Funeral Home, Winnebago, Minnesota |
Eileen Marie Jurgenson |
(September 23, 1918 - April 17, 2010)
Eileen M. Jurgenson April 17, 2010 Winnebago
Eileen M. Jurgenson, age 91 died on Saturday, April 17, 2010, at Parker Oaks Communities in Winnebago.
Mass of Christian Burial will be held at 10:00 AM on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 at St. Mary’s Catholic Church,
Winnebago, with Father Leo Koppala officiating. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery, Mankato. Visitation will
be one hour prior to services at the church.
Spencer-Owen Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.
Eileen Marie was born on September 23, 1918 in Clinton, Iowa, to Charles A. and Eulalia B. (Nennon) Seely.
Following several moves, the family settled in Mankato. She graduated from Mankato High School in 1935
and from Mankato State Teachers College in 1939. After teaching for 5 ½ years, she went to work at Continental
Can Company. She was united in marriage to Alvin Jurgenson on January 15, 1949 at Holy Rosary Parsonage,
in North Mankato. They moved to Winnebago where they farmed until 1966. Eileen started working at the local
school in 1954 as a secretary, until retiring in 1981.
Following her retirement, she volunteered with the AARP Tax Program, continuing to do this for the next
twenty-five years, serving as coordinator the last ten years. She did volunteer work at the Muir Library every
Monday morning, was a member of the local Food Shelf and was a driver for the Meals on Wheels program.
Eileen was inducted into the Heritage Club in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the future of
Mankato State University through the Endowment Fund in 1994. Eileen was a member of St. Mary’s
Catholic Church where she served as church secretary for several years and was a member of the Rosary
Society. In 2005, she was chosen as Outstanding Volunteer Senior Citizen of Faribault County. Eileen was
named the recipient for the 2010 Winnebago Hall of Fame. Her hobbies included knitting, bridge, counted
cross stitch and plastic canvas.
Eileen is survived by: several nieces and nephews along with many friends.
Eileen was preceded in death by her parents and her husband Alvin “Jurgy” in 1992. |
| |
Obituary of William Peter Roscoe Jr,
published in Billings Gazette dated abt 3 Oct 1998 |
William P. Roscoe, Jr.
William P. Roscoe, Jr., 82, of Billings, died Friday evening, Oct. 2, 1998, at Aspen Meadows after a lengthy illness.
He was born on July 21, 1916, in Billings, Mont., the son of William P. Roscoe, Sr. and Florence Nenno Roscoe.
His father was a early-day highway bridge contractor in Montana and surrounding states.
He attended Billings schools and Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash. He graduated from Marquette University in
Milwaukee, Wis. with a degree in business. While in college he attained a flight instructor rating and went on to become
a civilian flight instructor for the U.S. Army Air Corps during WWII. He was stationed in Cimarron Field in Yukon, Okla.
On May 23, 1942, he married Emily Jane Covert in Yukon, Okla. During and after the war, they resided in Lima, Peru,
where he was a pilot for a new airline, Pan-American-Grace Airways (Panagra). During these years he flew the
Cordillera of the Andres and most of the South American continent.
In 1947 he returned to Billings and worked for his father in bridge construction. He also worked for Montana Steel and
Supply and Eaton Metal Products Manufacturing. In 1954 he and his partners founded Roscoe Steel and Culvert
Compant. He was active in the business until his retirement in 1986.
He was very involved in his industry and his community. He was a member of the Associated General Contractors
of Montana and also served as President of the National Corrugated Steel Pipe Association. He served for several
years on the Board of Directors of Deaconess Medical Center. He was a Past-President of Yellowstone Valley
District of Boy Scouts and a recipient of the Silver Beaver Service Award. He belonged to Billings Rotary Club
and was a recipient of the Paul Harris Award. He served several terms on the Board of Trustees of Carroll
College in Helena; was a founder and Emeritus Trustee orf the Billings Area Catholic Education Trust (B.A.C.E.T.);
belonged to the Highlands Club; B.P.O.E. #394 and the Service Corps of Retired Executives (S.C.O.R.E.).
In 1983, he was chosen "Small Businessman of the Year" for the state of Montana and traveled to Washigton, D.C. to
meet with other state representatives and President Reagan. In 1985 he was the recipient of the Philip N. Fortin
"Philanthropist of the year", presented by Deaconess Medical Center.
His interests were his home, family, his church, young people and their education, and the outdoors. He especially
enjoyed his cabin on the Stillwater River where he spent many seasons planting and tending to his trees. After his
retirement he and his wife traveled extensively.
He is survived by his wife, Emily and six children. They are James P. Roscoe and his wife Lin of Billings,
William P. Roscoe III and his wife Marianne of Sacramento, Calif,; Kathryn (Kati) Stack and her husband Tom of
Missoula, Mont.; Teresa (Tris) Salyer and her husband Jim. John J. Roscoe and Michael P. Roscoe, all of Billings.
He is also survived by 12 grandchildren, four step-grandchildren, two great-grand children and eight
He was preceded in death by his parents, two sisters, Margeurite and Mary Bernice and one son, Judson Michael.
Visitation will begin 9 a.m. Monday at Michelotti, Sawyers & Norndquist, Alderson Chapel. The Vigil Service
will be at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at St. Patrick's Co-Cathedral. Funeral Mass will be celebrated 12:00 noon Wednesday
at St. Patrick's Co-Cathedral with Rite of Committal at Mountview Cemetery.
Memorials may be directed to Deaconess Billings Clinic Foundation, P.O. Box 3566, Billings, Mont., 59103-9978,
Billings Area Catholic Education Trust (B.A.C.E.T.), P.O. Box 31158, Billings, Mont., 59107-9935, or the charity
of one's choice. |
Exit or boarding pass for Maurice Tack and wife Elisa Haezebrouck,
officially stamped in Brussels, Belgium on 20 January 1920, by the American consulate,
as "travelling to the United States of America via Antwerp", bearing "Doc. No. 230, Visa No. 243"
(spelling edited by Chris DeVeth in Belgium, 2007) |
de Mr
Né à Machelen floce
le 5 Mai 1891
Cheveux blond
Sourcils 'id
Yeux bleus
Front grand
Nez ordinaire
Bouche 'id
Menton 'id
Visage monstacker
Barbe ovale
Taille 1m 780 mm
Signes particuliers néanty |
de Mme
1 Septembre 1898
1m 600 mm
néanty |
Au nom du Roi des Belges,
Nous, Ministre des Affaires étrangères,
prions tous les Magistrats ou Officiers, tant civils que
militaires, quels qu'ils puissent être, des Princes et Etats
étrangers, de laisser passer librement M onsieur
Tack, Maurice, marchand de velos
domicilié à Eeghem floce, accom-
pagné de sou êpouse Haezebrouck
Elisa. Sujets Belges
avec ses bagages, allant en Amerique à
Détroit, Michigan
sans permittre qu'il lui soit opposé aucune entrave ou
empêchement et de lui donner ou faire donner toute aide
et secours, ainsi que Nous le ferions Nous-meme, en
étant requis. |
| |
Obituary of Madeleine De Vos (name misspelled below),
published in Santa Cruz Sentinel dated 9 December 2005 |
Long time Ben Lomond resident Madeleine De Vos passed away on December 3 at
Dominican Hospital, Santa Cruz. Mrs. De Vos was born in Aalter, Belgium on February 22, 1904.
She spent both World War 1 and World War 11 in Belgium. Trained as a children's nurse,
Mrs. De Vos served in that capacity for some 25 years both in Belgium and in France.
She came to the United States in 1958 where she married Joseph Medard De Vos also a
Belgian native who had immigrated to the United States in 1914. They resided for some years
in Berkeley before moving to Ben Lomond in 1973. Mrs. De Vos enjoyed her many friends and
family during her long and productive life. She is survived by her step-son, Dr. George De Vos,
Professor Emeritus at UC Berkeley, daughter-in law Suzanne Lake De Vos, three grandchildren,
Laurie De Vos Moore of Bremerton, Wa., Dr. Eric De Vos of Saginaw, Mi., and Dr. Susan De Vos
of Madison, Wi., and five great-grandchildren. A memorial servive is planned.". |
Obituary of Laurence LeClair McLaughlin,
published in a blog created by his son Sean dated 8 December 2005 |
Farewell, Pop
Born: May 19, 1924. Died: December 5, 2005. |
Laurence “Larry” McLaughlin was a multi-talented man – entrepreneur, artist, poet and orchid
hybridizer. Over his lifetime he won many awards in juried art shows from Miami, Fla. to San
Francisco, Calif. He painted in many media, but his favorite was watercolor. He was a member
of East Bay Watercolor Society and Pro Arts Gallery. He belonged to the Orchid Society of
California and previously co-owned an orchid business based in Jacksonville, Fla. , Specialty
Orchids, with his daughter Lynn Lisenby, which grew and shipped orchids worldwide. He
specialized in growing oncidiums and odontoglossums,
developing new hybrids many of which
received awards and are considered important and valuable to hybridizers the world over.
A prolific and published poet since his teens, his works have been included in many and varied
publications, including The Miami News, an European Anthology of Poetry, and the Ina Coolbrith
Poetry Circle. One of his poems was also included in a book of poems by his fellow Mensans.
He enjoyed sharing his work with residents and staff at his latest home in a retirement community.
Larry joined the San Francisco Regional Mensa when it was established and fulfilled early
leadership positions. In his youth he was an avid swimmer, and a lifeguard at Venetian Pool in
Coral Gables, Fla. He was interested in snakes and knew herpetology well. In wartime, because
of medical deferment, he became a civilian welder for the Navy. An eager fisherman, Larry begin
deep-sea fishing in the Atlantic, capturing handsome specimens of sailfish and swordfish. Later,
he became interested in fly-fishing and learned the art of tying flies as well as of fly-fishing itself.
As a Sierra Club member in California , he conducted walking tours at a brisk pace. On field trips
with the Native Plant Society, he studied and photographed plant materials. In his home garden,
he grew iris and roses and also had a specially built orchid house with his latest creations.
Later in life, despite the physical disability of being deaf, he attended Cal State University Hayward,
where he obtained a bachelor‘s degree in Biological Illustration. From age 16, his occupation was
as a commercial artist. He worked in Washington, D.C., Miami, and San Francisco. He had
special skills in gold leaf lettering. Prior to his retirement at age 63, he owned Hamilton Broadway
Signs in Oakland . After retirement, he joined SIRS, Seniors in Retirement. Larry was a member of
Rotary Club in Oakland and in Berkeley , and on his travels he contacted overseas Rotary groups
as an ambassador.
He loved to travel and tried to get to France every year, particularly Paris , his beloved city. He
found inspiration to paint there. He was delighted to find a Poet’s Garden in Paris . Other travels
with his wife included senior tours and a Friendship Force visit to Central Asia . Search for family
roots motivated a ‘Clan McLaughlin’ trip in 2000 to Dublin and to the Northwestern counties of
Ireland and Scotland, as well as to and London .
He loved watching small children at play, and was devoted to his grandchildren and
great-grandchildren. He took pride in encouraging the budding artistic talent of the younger
generation. Over the past 25 years, he became beloved to his new extended family. His friends
and family enjoyed his keen wit and love of puns, which he delivered with his trademark wry humor.
He could recite lengthy poems verbatim, spanning decades of memory. He loved music and had
retained the sounds of early listening despite his later deafness. Much of the imagery in his writing
devolved upon sound. Numerous health problems required careful monitoring for many years, but
he succeeded in having 81 years of fulfillment and accomplishment, with strong family ties.
SPOUSE: Winifred (Olsen) DeVos McLaughlin of Oakland, Calif. Married 23 years.
DAUGHTER: Anne Johnson of Jacksonville, Fla.
DAUGHTER: Lynn Lisenby of Jacksonville, Fla.
SON: Sean McLaughlin of Cocoa, Fla.
STEP-DAUGHTER: Laurie Moore of Bremerton, Wash.
STEP-DAUGHTER: Susan DeVos of Madison, Wis.
STEP-SON: Eric DeVos of Saginaw, Mich.
SISTER: Muriel Forlenza of Stuart, Fla.
SISTER: Evelyn Colbert of Paducah, Ky.
SISTER: Milly Gustafson of Stuart, Fla.
Obituary of Don Gentner, written by his wife and
published on his website dated 14 July 2005 |
Don Gentner |
Don Gentner died peacefully at home in Palo Alto on June 12th with his wife Judith by his
side. Don's vast curiosity, warmth, intelligence, strength and grace drew people to him,
and once relationships had formed he tended them carefully. So when diagnosed with a primary brain tumor in June, 2002 he developed a health page to make sure his many friends
scattered around the world could stay involved in his life as it entered this new phase
( As with the advanced melanoma Don survived
thirteen years ago he met this latest cancer challenge with his usual combination of
strength, optimism and acceptance.
Don was born in Western New York on January 20, 1940 to Richard Francis Gentner and Florence
(Winter) Gentner, the second of seven children. He left his hometown of Springville,
New York in 1957 but maintained deep roots there while moving into a world of novel
experiences and many rich, sustaining friendships. Don received his bachelor's degree in
chemistry from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1961, and a Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry
from the University of California at Berkeley in 1967. He met his first wife, Dedre Cooke,
at UC Berkeley; they were married in 1968 (divorced 1975).
Following a year as a fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in Science and Theology in
Chicago, he traveled to Africa to take up a position as lecturer in the Department of
Chemistry at the University of Ghana, Legon from 1968-1970. He spent the years from 1970 to
1985 at the University of California at San Diego. The first year he worked as a medical
researcher but shifted to the Department of Psychology, where he did cognitive psychology
research in motor skills and learning. In 1981 he met his second wife, Judith Stewart, in the
Psychology Department, and they were together from 1982 until his death. From 1986-1988 he
was a senior researcher at Philips Labs, Briarcliff Manor, New York where he worked on text
retrieval problems and helped to develop a novel user model and interface for a combination
TV-VCR. Following this short stint in New York, he chose to return to California. From
1989-1992 he worked as a human interface designer at Apple Computer, before moving to Sun
Microsystems where he continued to do human interface design until his retirement in June,
Among his favorite projects at Sun were HotJava Views, and the Java Look and Feel Design
Guidelines. Don contributed numerous articles to professional journals and held a number of
patents. His "The Anti-Mac Interface" (written with Jakob Nielsen in 1996) continues to be a
classic in the field. Don made sure that his "so-called career" left him plenty of time for
things he deeply loved like spending lots of time with Judith and friends, traveling, doing
carpentry projects, avidly going to movies, and pursuing his more than 30 year genealogical
project. Genealogy was an ideal environment for him, with many puzzles to solve and
opportunities for making new connections with people spread around the world. Some of that
work is captured in the volume "The Wiesental-Springville Connection: a genealogy of families
who left Wiesental, Baden, Germany and settled near Springville, New York, USA in the 2nd
Half of the 19th Century", and on his
Web site.
He is survived by his wife, Judith Stewart, and his siblings Marjorie Mooney, James Gentner,
Thomas Gentner, Diane Leggero, Leslie Gentner, and Audrey Parsons.
Celebrations of Don's life will be held on July 16th from 5-7pm at the home of friends in
Menlo Park, California and on July 30th from 5-7pm at the home of Diane and Michael Leggero,
in Springville, New York. Don will be buried at dusk on July 30th near his parents and
grandparents in St. Aloysius Cemetery, Springville, New York. |
Obituary of Elizabeth Nenno Wilson
published on the website of an Olean, New York, funeral home |
Sun Lakes, AZ-- Elizabeth H. “Betty” Nenno Wilson, formerly of Lackawanna and Olean died
Thursday (December 15, 2005) in Sun City, AZ.
Born November 5, 1923 in Allegany, NY she was the daughter of Clyde W. and Catherine Wilson
Nenno, Sr. On December 26, 1942 at St. Bonaventure Church in Allegany she married D. James
Wilson who predeceased her February 16, 1996. Mrs. Wilson was a 1941 graduate of St.
Elizabeth’s Academy in Allegany. She was a member of St. Steven’s Catholic Church in Sun
Lakes, and of the Lady’s Guild of the church. She also was the vice president of the John
Arien Council #9678 Knights of Columbus Auxiliary, was a member of The Court Msg. Baker
Catholic Daughters of the Americas in Lackawanna, and was a member of the Buckhorn Elks
Lodge #2656 of Mesa, AZ.
As an avid golfer, she was a member of the Oakwood and Ironwood Country Clubs in Sun Lakes
and formerly belonged to the East Aurora Country Club, the South Shore Country Club and the
Bridge Water Country Club in Canada. She also held many offices in the Buffalo Inter Club
Golf Association, the WNY Golf Association, the Interclub Team Association, the Buffalo
Seniors Golf Association and the Canadian Golf Association.
She authored a book, “The Nenno Family- How They Lived”, which is
not a genealogy, but rather a chronicle of the life and times of the Nenno family from the
1600’s. It has been placed on the internet by a Professor from the University of Wisconsin,
himself a Nenno descendent.
Surviving are 1 son Michael B. (Robin) Wilson of Buffalo; 2 grandsons; 1 granddaughter; 3
great grandchildren; 1 sister Teresa M. (Gordon) Meyers of Olean; 3 brothers William E.
(Sonya) Nenno of Mesa, AZ, Clyde W. Nenno, Jr. and Leo J. (Patricia) Nenno, both of Olean
and 16 nieces and nephews. In addition to her husband she was predeceased by a sister
Mary L. Diffenderfer and a daughter-in-law Katherine Wilson.
There will be no visitation. Friends are invited to attend a Memorial Mass of Christian
Burial on Monday (January 2, 2005) at 11:00am in St. Bonaventure Church. Rev. Richard Husted,
pastor, will be the celebrant. Burial will be in St. Bonaventure Cemetery. Memorials, if
desired, may be made to the Allegany Area Historical Association.
Local arrangements are under the direction of the Casey, Halwig & Hartle Funeral Home, Olean.
3128 Rt 417w, Olean, New York 14760, phone: 716-372-0254 |
Obituary of Gustave Brinkmeyer
from the records of his granddaughter Joan (Brinkmeyer) Juehring |
Gustave Brinkmeyer (1860-1933) |
Gustave Brinkmeyer was born in Lippe Detmold, Germany on June 19, 1860. There he received his
education, was baptized and confirmed. In the year 1883 he came to America, locating near Hubbard
[Iowa], where, with a few months exception, he made his home.
In April 1884 he married Minna Dubberke, and they resided on a farm southwest of Hubbard until they
retired and came to town about 18 years ago. About a year ago, the deceased began to fail in health
and on Wednesday noon, June 28, 1933, he was released from his sufferings, reaching the age of 73 years
and 11 days.
Aside from his widow, he leaves to mourne his loss, four sons: Arthur, Emil, and Paul living near
Hubbard, and Harry oif Chicago; five daughters: Martha Anders, Minnie Hendrickson,
Dora Klemme, Lydia Hendrickson, and Elnora Maley, all of Hubbard community.
Two children preceeded him in death, He leaves two brothers: Julius of Jasper, Minnesota, and
Gotlieb of Germany, 33 grandchildren, and many other relatives and friends.
Funeral services were held Friday at Zion Evangelical Church in charge of the pastor, Rev. E.G. Bizer.
Pall bearers were his 4 sons. Music was furnished by trhe quartette, Mrs. Emma Meier,
Mrs. John Boeke, and Messers Carl Weichmann and John Boeke. Interment was in the
Hubbard cemetery. |
Obituary of Wilhelmina Brinkmeyer
from the records of her granddaughter Joan (Brinkmeyer) Juehring |
Wilhelmina Brinkmeyer (1863-1941) |
Wilhelmina Brinkmeyer was the daughter of Christian and Louise Dubberke, born in Seebrucken,
Germany on April 13, 1863. In infancy she was presented to God in Holy Baptism and later confirmed
in the Christian faith. She came to America in 1882 to Hubbard [Iowa].
On April 18, 1884, she was married to Gustav Brinkmeyer at Little Rock, Arkansas. After a few
months stay there, they came to the Hubbard community, living here ever since.
For many years she was a member of Zion Evangelical and Reformed Church, and was always regular in
attendance of the German services, until these last years she was unable to attend. She was a Christian
woman, a good mother to you, and a friend many shall miss. Her life also held sorrow. A daughter died
in infancy. A beloved son, Otto, passed away in 1913. And then a severe loss came at the passing of
her husband on June 28, 1933.
For several years she has been ailing, being bedridden for about a year. She was patient in sickness,
strong faith in God and Christ, and was eagerly awaiting the summons to come home. She passed away
June 6, 1941 at 7:00 p.m. bringing her age to 78 years, 1 month, and 23 days.
Mourning her passing are 4 sons and 5 daughters: Arthur, Martha Anders, Emil, Paul,
Minnie Hendrickson, Dora Klemme, Lydia Hendrickson, Elnora Maley, and Harry of Hammond, Indiana.
Also 33 grandchildren and 8 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were Monday, with Rev. Bizer in charge.Burial was in the Hubbard cemetery. |
Obituary of Gustav Mannetter
from the records of his granddaughter Joan (Brinkmeyer) Juehring |
Gustav Mannetter (1868-1951) Laid to Rest |
Gustav Mannetter, son of Fred Mannetter and his wife, Louise Rasche Mannetter, was born on February
14, 1868 in Lippe Detmold, Stemmen Germany. He was baptized in infancy and later on as a youth was
instructed in the Christian faith and confirmed and received into the fellowship of the Christian church.
When he was a young man 18 years of age, he together with several companions came to America to make
his future and fortune there. He made his home in the Hubbard community. In 1890 he was married to
Louise Drawe. His wife preceeded him in death February 25, 1932.
During the Christmas season 3 years ago he became very ill. During these past 3 years his children patiently
cared for their father month after month. It was indeed a fine example of love and patience on the part of
the children. Finally, after a long period of patient suffering, he went home around four o'clock on Saturday
morning December 15, 1951, at the age of 83 years, 9 months, 2 weeks, and 1 day.
Since 1933 he was a member of the Home Dept. of the Sunday School.
The children who mourn his passing are: Mrs. Herman Hanson, Alfred, Mrs. Wm. Below,
Mrs. Paul Brinkmeyer, Mrs. George Dubberke, Mrs. Ernest Ziebell, Walter, Gus, Mrs. Russell Boeke,
all living in and around Hubbard [Iowa], and Otto living at Dodge Center,
Minnesota. Also 34 grandchildren and 37 great-grandchildren. Two brothers and one sister survive
his passing. They are Fred Mannetter of Hubbard and Carl Mannetter of Elna, Iowa, and
Mrs. Amelia Prussner of Hubbard. |
Obituary of Louise Anna (Drawe) Mannetter
from the records of her granddaughter Joan (Brinkmeyer) Juehring |
Louise Anna (Drawe) Mannetter (1872-1932) dies following operation |
Funeral services for Mrs. Gust. Mannetter, Sr. were held at the Zion Evangelical Church Sunday at 2 p.m.
with Rev. Erich Bizer officiating. A large concourse of relatives and friends were present to pay their respects
and to sympathize with the mourners. Interment was made in the Hubbard cemetery.
Louise Anna Drawe Mannetter was born November 18, 1872 near Hubbard. It is here also where she spent her
childhood days. In November 1890 she was married to Mr. Gust. Mannetter and together they lived on a
farm near Hubbard until 8 years ago, when they moved into town. Mrs. Mannetter had been ailing for some
time, but in spite of her ailments, she was always ready to cheer others. She was a good wife, mother, and
friend whom many will miss. She was a member of Zion Church and Zion Ladies Aid and attended as often
as she could.
On Saturday February 20th she was taken to the hospital for examination and was operated
on Tuesday. She took a turn for the worse on Thursday morning, and having bidden farewell to her loved
ones, who were all assembled in her room, she calmly passed from this world into realms above about
5 o'clock in the afternoon, February 25, 1932. She reached the age of 59 years, 3 months, and 7 days.
Mourning her sudden departure are her hisband, Gust. Mannetter and ten children:
Mrs. Herman Hanson, Alfred, Mrs. Wm. Below,
Mrs. Paul Brinkmeyer, Mrs. George Dubberke, Mrs. Ernest Ziebell, Walter, Gustave, Mrs. Russell Boeke,
and Otto all of Hubbard [Iowa]. Also 26 grandchildren. The following five sisters
also remain: Mrs. Henry Klemme, Mrs. Fred Kix, and Mrs. Fred Wehmeier all of Hubbard,
Mrs. Fred Baurle of Conrad, Iowa, and Mrs. Carl La Cour of Dixon, Illinois. |
Obituary of Thomas A. Weir copied from a Sandwich newspaper by Ken Bastian |
Thomas Andrew Weir |
Thomas Andrew Weir was born in Jackson, Washington County, N.Y., October 5, 1841, the eldest of a family
of two brothers and three sisters.
At the age of 20 he enlisted in the 123rd Regiment, New York Volunteers and served until the end
of the Civil War.
Soon after receiving his discharge he came to Sandwich where he clerked for Culver Bros., until becoming
a member of the firm Woodward and Weir. After dissolving this partnership he retired from business for
several years. About 1900 he again entered business in the firm of Weir & Kleinsmid, which he
continued until 1903 when he bought out the entire business. In this business he continued until the time
of his death.
On May 17, 1883, he married Marie Vermilye, who with one son Glendon, and his sister Mrs. Ida Leonard
of Youngstown, N.Y., survive him.
About a year ago Mr. Weir was operated on at the St. Charles Hospital, and although he was able to be
around for several months, yet he never regained his strength. About two weeks ago he took to his bed
and passed away January 29, 1919.
Funeral services were held at his home Friday. Rev. Hal E. Norton officiated. Interment was made in Oak Ridge Cemetery.
Obituary of Marie (Vermilye) Weir copied from a Sandwich newspaper by Ken Bastian |
Marie Vermilye Weir |
It was with great sorrow that the community learned of the death of Mrs. Marie Vermilye Weir, who passed
away at her home on West 3rd Street in Sandwich last Monday, February 3, 1930. All her life, except the
early childhood years, were lived in Sandwich. She had enjoyed good health until about a year ago when she
had a serious illness from which she never filly recovered. Her last illness was of about ten days duration.
Marie Vermilye, daughtrer of Dr. Valentine Vermilye and Phoebe Ann David Vermilye
["David" spelled this way], was born at Newark, Kendall County, Illinois, December 19,
1852 and at the time of her death was 77 years, one month and 15 days old. When she was seven years of age
she came with her parents to Sandwich, where she grew up and spent the rest of her life. After graduation from the
Sandwich schools she taught school for a number of years.
May 17, 1883 [she] was united in marriage to Thomas Andrew Weir of Sandwich. Her husband preceded her dying
about ten years ago. For many years she was afflicted with deafness, to which she was keenly sensitive, and which
limited the fullest expression of those qualities of mind and character with which she was so richly endowed. She was
a woman of excellent character, devoted to her home and was held in high esteem.
She is survived by one son, Glendon V. Weir of Sandwich, one brother Oscar Vermilye of Sandwich and two sisters,
Mrs. Jessie Woodward of Long Branch, NJ and Mrs. Kate Potter of Los Angeles, CA.
The funeral service, conducted by Rev. Thomas McGregor, was held at the home Wednesday afternoon at 1:30.
Two hymns were sung by Mrs. A.E. Woodward. Interment was made at Oak Ridge Cemetery.
The relatives have the sympathy of the community in their bereeavement.
Obituary of James H. Weir copied from a Sandwich newspaper by Ken Bastian
but the relationship of James to other Weirs unknown |
James H. Weir |
The funeral services of James H. Weir were held from his late residence in this city Sunday
afternoon (September 9, 1894). They were conducted by Rev. H.T. Horn, assisted by
Rev. Dr. H.D. Hunter and Rev. Daniel McGilvery. Deceased was a member of the Grand
Army of the Republic.
Obituary of Bessie G. (Delano) Weir copied from a newspaper near Sandwich by Ken Bastian (SF 9 / 17 / 1931)
but the relationship between Bessie Weir and Thomas A. Weir is unknown |
Bessie G. (Delano) Weir |
Bessie G. Weir, the daughter of William and Helen Delano, was born at Sandwich, IL June 13,
1873, and died at her home in Plano, Thursday morning, September 10, 1931.
In 1898 she was united in marriage to Fred A. Weir. While she had no children of her own,
she was ever a loving mother to Mr. Weir's three motherless children and later to his
grandchildren, all of whom will always hold her in grateful and loving memory.
She leaves to mourne her departure a most devoted husband, and the following relatives:
Mrs. Vivian Sampson and family, Fred Weir, Jr., and family of Plano; Mrs. Bessie
Densch and family of Sandwich; a sister, Mrs. Hazel Winchell of San Pedro, CA,
and an aunt, Mrs. Charlotte Kelts of Sandwich, besides a host of other relatives and friends.
The funeral services were held at the home in Plano, Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock with
Rev. Waechter of the Federated Church of Sandwich in charge.
The remains were laid to rest at Oak Ridge Cemetery. The pallbearers were Allen Sampson,
William Densch, Fred and Howard Delano, George and Edward Huth |
Obituary of Lee F. Landis was emailed by his grandson, Brian Rader, of Henderson, Nebraska |
Landis |
Funeral services for Lee F. Landis, 90, of Cherokee Village, will be Tuesday morning at 10
at Tri-County's Cherokee Chapel at Hardy, with Rev. Jim West officiating. Burial will follow
in Oaklawn Cemetery at Highland.
He died Friday at Eastern Ozarks Regional Health System hospital in Cherokee Village.
He was a farmer for many years and a member of the United Methodist Church of Cherokee
He is survived by his wife, Erma M. Landis of the home, two sons, Donald L. Landis of
Morton, Illinois, and Kenneth E. Landis of Aledo, Illinois; two daughters,
Norma J. Bemis of Seaton, Illinois, and Lois M. Rader of Little York, Illinois; one
brother, Max B. Landis of Macomb, Illinois; 11 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren,
and 4 great-great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by one daughter, two brothers,
and a grandson.
Visitation will be from 5 to 7 this evening at the funeral home. |
Obituary of Naomi (Nina) (Berglund) Landis was emailed by her great-grandson, Brian Rader, of Henderson, Nebraska |
Mrs. James Landis |
Rushville -- Mrs. Nina A. Landis, 78, of Industry, died at 11:45 p.m. Monday at
Phelps Hospital shortly after being admitted. Death was attributed to a heart attack.
Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. Thursday at Industry Methodist Church, with the
Rev. Russell Coats and the Rev. Fred Norman officiating.
Burial will be in Oak Wood Cemetery at Macomb. Visitation will be at Clugston Funeral
Home in Industry after 1 p.m. today
Born Oct. 23, 1880, in Nebraska, she was the daughter of John and Caroline Berglund.
She came with her parents to Industry as a child. She was married to James Edward Landis Jan. 1, 1902.
Surviving are her husband; four sons, Dr. Oral Landis of Decatur, Gerald of Springfield,
Lee of Aledo, and Max of rural Macomb; two brothers, Alfred of Macomb and
Frank of Bushnell; 12 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren. |
Obituary of Ethel Kelly appearing in the Tyrone Courier & News dated 31 January 1990
this was attached to email of 2 July 2012 from Helen Grimes of the Armagh Public Library (U.K.) |
The death has taken place of Mrs.Kelly, formerly of Dyan, who was a resident in
Copperfields Nursing Home. Mrs. Kelly has reached an advanced age.
Sympathy is extended to her son Jim and all the family circle. |
(On the next page of the same newspaper)
KELLY January 27th 1990, at a Private Nursing Home,
Aughnacloy, Ethel, wife of the late James Kelly, Knocknacloy, Brantry,
Dungannon, and mother of Doris, Ivy, Jim, Renee, Hazel, and Heather,
interred in Eglish Presbyterian Churchyard on Monday afternoon. Deeply regretted. |